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In Loving Memory

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Saul Glottmann

Gil Kujovich

Terry Liberman

Gregg Haskin

Saul  & Dalia Glottmann
Terri Liberman

Saul Glottman


​"Saul only lives once". That's what my family and friends would say about my dad. He had a way about him that just made you love him from the first hello. Saul adored his kids and could make the smallest achievement into one of those biggest -fish-ever-caught scenarios in two minutes or less. He loved feeling pride. It made for an exhausting childhood. All his kids are people pleasers. Making him proud was an Olympic event at my house.


The only thing Saul loved more than his family was his exuberance towards giving. He always taught us that doing and giving mitzvahs was the only way the world worked. They always came back to you ten fold. 


Saul would have loved this adventure. I can hear him listening to the spin. His “uh huh’s” and “really - tell me more"s are in my inner voice. He had a huge heart and loved whatever I loved. I am very blessed to have called him my dad. 


Along with a good man there is often a talented woman.  Dalia was married to Saul for 47 years! She has been instrumental in making the Mitzvah Fund a reality for so many animals & and their humans. Her generosity has helped us employ fellow Vermonters and continue our mission! 


~Deb Glottmann CVT, President of the Mitzvah Fund


Gregg Haskin


Gregg was known as a gentle giant; a big man, with a deep voice. One could say intimidating, but when it came to animals, he was soft-hearted and they knew it. 


Gregg grew up with many dogs and cats in the Haskin house. His dad had a fondness for Beagles. Over the years, there were many other breeds and rescues that passed through their home. This continued into adulthood. When Gregg married his wife Roberta, the Mitzvah Fund's current Vice President, he met his match. 


In their 20+ years together, Gregg and Roberta shared a love for animals and were fortunate to have many join them in life. Most have been rescues and some that just landed on their doorstep - some animals like Daisy. Early in their marriage, Roberta came across Daisy, a young dog in a bad situation near her workplace. She was able to rescue the dog but knew she was very shy and afraid of men. It was an urgent situation. Roberta called Gregg, told him she was bringing the dog home that night and to be prepared. That evening, Daisy walked in Gregg and Roberta's home, peed on the welcome mat and walked right to Gregg. Daisy climbed into his lap and the rest is history! Daisy lived to almost 16.


At the time of his death, Gregg was President and CEO of Waitsfield Champlain Valley Telecom of Waitsfield, VT. Despite his busy work schedule and other passions, Gregg made time most weekends to volunteer as a transport driver for various shelters in Vermont. Gregg would drive several hours to meet a tractor trailer full of rescues coming from southern states. He loved doing it and always had the most frightened dog sit up front with him so he could provide comfort. Animals loved Gregg. 


In 2005, when Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans, Gregg stepped up and had his company support Mitzvah Fund founder, Deb Glottmann, by providing a truck to transport veterinary medical supplies. 


Gregg left this world much too early but there is comfort in knowing he did what he could while he could to make a difference for so many animals, directly and indirectly.


Gil Kujovich


We lost a dear friend and board member, Gil Kujovich, way too soon. He loved animals so purely and he especially loved our efforts to help the less fortunate. He was a Professor at Vermont Law School for 41 years where his students admired his warmth, generosity of spirit, and sense of humor as well as his intellect, academic scholarship, and leadership on affirmative action and equality in education. Gil was brilliant but humble. He made you strive for more. He didn't talk about things he did them!

We work with Gil's presence and chutzpa in our hearts. Gil was a one of a kind, a soulful and shmarrrt man.  May we make you proud!


Terri Liberman


Terri was one in a million. She adored her animals and family and especially her partner of 32 years Helen. Together Helen & Terri had an itty bitty battalion of bigs and littles. Terri adored Dobermans. Together they had some of the nicest and most loyal Dobermans.  Terri wanted all animals to be able to get good medical care. She felt it was an absolute necessity. Together they have supported the Mitzvah Fund since its infancy. We are all thankful for Helen's continued advice and support.  

The Mitzvah Fund

PO Box 56

East Montpelier, VT 05651







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